
january 30 2008

january 30 - 2008 - 4:45pm
Java Lords, L5P

Judy Parady's jewelry looks so good on a person. Go figure.

Angelica makes Americanos for me.
She, the necklace and the light in the cafe' were just perfect at that moment.
A confluence of beauty.

-85mm 1/60th f3.5 iso 200 WB Sunny - 3

January 29 2008

january 29 - 2008 - 5:50pm
studio still life

Bought these washers because I like the way they look.
Years later, when I dumped them out of the bag, they landed like this...

- 24mm 4 sec f16 iso 100 WB Custom -


January 27, 2008

January 27 - 6:55pm - 2008
Thomas Deans Fine Art
the new gallery

Thomas Deans moved his gallery from it's former location in TULA,
just up the hill to 22 Bennett Street.
Here he is fitting about 6 tons of art into a 4 ton gallery. It worked.

- 24mm 1/50th sec f2.8 iso 400 WB Tungsten -


January 25, 2008

January 17 - 2008 - 9:15 pm
Capital City Club, ATL

Got booked for a PR gig at The Capital City Club.
This guy was enjoying his vanilla wafers in the chocolate fountain.

17-55 AFD2.8 1/30th sec f4 iso 400 WB Daylight
Handheld Lumedyne (400ws) bounced off the ceiling


january 23 2008

January 23 - 2008 - 5:21 pm
studio still life

my friend Sarah called me about the hawk that was dead in her backyard.
I only got to it the next day.

- 105mm 5 sec f16 iso 100 WB Sunny minus 3 -


January 22, 2008

January 22 - 2008 - 1:20 pm
after the snow

January 22, a few days after the snow. This pile of stones and the shell are on a table between the house and Judy's studio.

These photos were all made on that day as the snow was melting. I was caught by how the snow melted in a way that echoed the warming body nearest it.

-various exposure settings, all about the same -
85mm Nikon w/ T6 diopter, 1/100 sec f2.8 iso 100 WB Sunny minus 2


start up

January 20 was the first posting of images here.

The idea is to present images created within a contiguous moment, employing that which photographers have enjoyed for centuries... filtered photons striking a sensitized plate.

While there may be more than one image presented on any day, each image will contain only the information gathered within a contiguous moment... a realization and recognition of that specific experience in time and place... t


January 20, 2008

Left: January 19 - 2008 - 10:10 pm
Variety Playhouse, L5P Atlanta Ga.

Right: January 20 - 2008 - 6:50pm
studio still life

The Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings concert at the Variety Play House was packed tight.
I wandered the hall making pictures from the hip, enjoying the music, only occasionally trying for clarity. This woman was waiting at the top of the aisle between the lobby and the concert hall.

- 50mm 1/2 sec f 1.8 iso 800 WB 2500k -

This still life was made the next day in my studio down the street from The VPH.
Later that night, I was struck by the similarities in the palette of these two images.

- 50mm 25 sec f8 iso 100 WB Custom -